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Hydrated skin is happy, healthy skin, enough moisture helps to prevent outward symptoms of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles. It has Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which means it helps prevent or reverse cell damage caused by free radicals. It also has the ability to decrease inflammation throughout the body.

  • MedCutis (division of Cutis Biotech)

  • All skin type

  • Moisturizing cream

  • 50g

  • avatar
    September 22, 2020 at 9:42 pm

    John Doe

    Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo. Suspendisse potenti. Sed egestas, ante et vulputate volutpat, eros pede semper est, vitae luctus metus libero eu augue.

  • avatar
    September 22, 2020 at 9:42 pm

    John Doe

    Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo. Suspendisse potenti. Sed egestas, ante et vulputate volutpat, eros pede semper est, vitae luctus metus libero eu augue. Morbi purus libero, faucibus adipiscing, commodo quis, avida id, est. Sed lectus. Praesent elementum hendrerit tortor. Sed semper lorem at felis. Vestibulum volutpat.

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